We're Painting the Houses Warm Stone or It Puts the Paint on the House...

Before Painting House...

And After Painting House...
Sometimes California is too sunny for pictures...and skin. I got a sunburn today...

I told my son I was taking a bath because I worked so hard today. He said, "I worked harder. I found a lot of holidays." (Holidays are my missed spots. In this case they were white). After a 'mean'-ingful look, he said, "Mom, there were so many white spots for me to find!"
I think we're adding shutters! The house always looks like it needs shutters in photographs...

Now if someone will just bring me food, I will be happy...

Drinking and Painting!

Here's the before. With a dash of the yellow color I eventually painted the living room. It took me three days to paint. But I don't use tape. Just a steady hand and a furni pad that I moved under wherever I painted. And no paint clothes. I just paint in what I have on. If you see me, you can find at least one paint drip on any outfit.

Here is the after...after I got tipsy and painted that nook...

I'm not a huge fan of the yellow walls...it looks great in the morning and great in the evening, but from 12-3 it looks garish. So I think I'm going grey. That should help all the colors of my furniture pop...
I think it looks much better. And I can't believe what a steady hand I had after a few vodka drinks!