Creating something else.

I'm totally around. Just not creating...things...Not that I don't want to. It just takes money to buy supplies and time to make the thing and I am having trouble finding either. I am actually supposed to be making something right now, but I keep putting it off. And that's gonna be trouble. More than likely, I'll pull through and it will be spectacular.

So I swear I'll make something, paint something, do something soon. Until then, read some of these:

Working in LA at A-muse-ing

My adventures working and temping in LA when I was younger. And trying to find a job when I was unemployabler. Which is now.

1 comment

Candy said...

You sound like me. I just cannot get in gear to get any painting done lately. I go out to the garage with good intentions, then I don't have the color paint that I want. I finally made a trip to Home Depot yesterday and bought myself a NEW brush and a quart of paint (didn't want to spend the Xtra for the full gallon). Anyway, we WILL get back to our creating soon. My blog is suffering from my lack of creativity too. But, soon. Yes soon. 8-)